Answers to many top questions surrounding mortgages
Why did I receive a home loan refinancing mailer?
We try to reach out to you with a special mailer 90 days in advance to assist in locking in a solid interest rate and to help you prepare and plan for your refinance. The planning and combined efforts pay off with happy homeowners who save money.
What if I didn't receive a refinancing mailer and want to apply?
No problem, complete and submit the online application without the mailer reference ID, or call (888) 976-7688.
How long does the process take?
Each loan program is different however on average it will take somewhere between 30-45 days.
What kind of credit score do I need to have?
Each program option has different requirements. Streamline programs through the VA and FHA can allow an extremely low credit score with some of our lenders. Standard mortgages however will generally require 620 as a minimum. Some of our government programs allow down to 580 like VA and FHA or Reverse Mortgages. For standard loans, the higher the credit, the better the rate and cost will be.
Refinancing form application instructions
Please download and complete the required information at https://www.inlinelending.com/apply. Once complete, save, upload the form, and submit the online application with the mailer reference ID.
How do I know what I qualify for?
With an average mortgage tenure of 12 years, any one of our amazing loan officers will not only be able to tell you what you qualify for quickly, but they will be able to narrow down which of the many options we offer will suit you. Call (888) 976-7688 or visit www.inlinelending.com/apply/
Down Payments: How much do I need to buy a home?
The VA program allows a zero down payment. FHA allows 3.5%. Conventional Mortgages can go as low as 3%.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE!! For any program, even VA with zero down payment, you will still need to come out of pocket with property tax and homeowners insurance for the year in advance and several months worth for your escrow account. Also, you will need title fees and any lender fees. These can be lowered by doing such things as taking a little higher rate.